魔法物娘饲养员0.7171 Alpha Breeders of the Nephelym

萌导航 09-01 1223 0条评论
本帖最后由 pqpqpqpqpqw123 于 2019-5-24 09:18 PM 编辑 更新 , `/ n# f. p% u6 Z3 H3 `# e  j 还真出了更稳定版本,真吉尔快 * u, S1 f2 q0 i , b0 p; c  n/ Z: _3 ?  K# W- W3 p - b8 _1 |' n! o' ~# L( V 更新内容:
  • Added: Hybrid trait, winner of recent poll
  • Added: Tenko, hybrid of Foxen and Seraphim
  • Added: Kusarikku, hybrid of Bovaur and Demon
  • Added: Ryu, hybrid of Titan and Dragon
  • Added: Griffin, hybrid of Harpy and Neko
  • Added: Shortcut cave in Homestead
  • Fixed: Trait level increasing with auto skip dialogue enabled
  • Fixed: All streaming issues
  • Hotfix: Loading hangs
  • Hotfix: Save wipe to prevent crashing
  • Hotfix: All crashes fixed
  • Hotfix: Wrong sizes for hybrids in gallery
  • Hotfix: Kumiho renamed to Tenko, a more fitting mythical fox spirit / V# C. J. r  D# k9 S
      大致内容是, 增加了更多杂交的产物(什么龙和泰坦啊,狐狸和狼啊),修复了会崩溃的情况,无测试放出。 ( N$ S, K: e/ A8 G7 X