
萌导航 02-01 3369 0条评论


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3 F6 p/ O1 f( \8 [这次给大家带来的是夏日传奇的最新版 14.5版,这个版本更新许多MOM的故事,有兴趣的自己去玩一下 不过作者貌似只注意更新游戏,没有检查BUG,所以BUG挺多的。 0 Q  b1 Q) q" R1 O# a: q1 K已知的有第一天下午去地下室会锁死,还有就是做任务时跳过时间有可能锁死。 ! }- ~, X& b! p& H) ~* e总之建议想玩的人多保存。以及一个一个攻略。 9 m# |$ {4 U" J这个版本新增了: 1 n' U- N* _% t# k4 O* ?/ S
  • Reworked and improved one of the home character story
  • Added new events, quests, cutscenes and dialogues to her story
  • Multiple new hscene options open up once reaching the end of her story
  • 6 new home hscenes
  • 1 new aqua hscene and quest
  • 1 reworked hscene (basement on washing machine)
  • New ability to sleep and rest in other bedrooms
  • New ability to fap in your own bed once you go far enough with a character
  • Extended the mall to a 2nd floor and has a new store
  • New minor character in mall store
  • New minor character from the car dealership
  • New location (Warehouse) but no accessible interior, yet
  • Reworked and improved telescope interface
  • Reworked and improved backpack interface
  • Notification on UI bar when new quests and messages are received
  • New locations and added front yards to existing ones (Diane and library)
  • New map location (Mayor Rump) but not accessible yet
  • A new pet you can find in the town, and perhaps bring it home with you!
  • Moved the basement valve for android users so it's easier to click
  • Fixed house numbers
  • Added popups where unfinished content was not stated
  • The movie theatre now has people in it
  • Some houses are now lit on the evening map
  • Fixed inconsistencies with Mia's story dialogue
  • Multiple visual improvements and fixes
  • Multiple bug fixes (yes, that includes the shower loop)
  • Home characters now have firstnames by default and can be renamed
  • Temporary extensive optimisation which should reduce the size of the game significantly (An even better method is planned for 0.15)
  • Christmas themes! 0 k2 m) S2 `5 r/ H$ a1 q4 M
话说下个版本,也就是15.0,会出回想模式,总共有十八个角色可以攻略。。欸练习 5 A4 \* v( _/ j+ Z7 `6 i . y; w/ _/ G2 ]3 g 普通下载
9 w$ `+ s! Y7 t( ^( L- Q% [9 { , k" ]8 [: A+ s8 t8 q* Q4 z
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